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Course Organisers

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Dr Neha Shah is an ST6 trainee in the North Central and East London Deanery.


She obtained a training post following her second attempt at applying for Obstetrics and Gynaecology and commenced training in 2015. She wanted to make the most out of all the work she had put into preparing for the interviews and help fellow budding Obstetricians and Gynaecologists like herself and therefore started running the interview course the following year in 2015 as well as publishing an interview book for ST1 interviews in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2016. 


Supporting women's health in developing countries is something that is very dear to Neha, which is why she decided to dedicate profits from the course to a global Women's health charity. 


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Dr Noshali Wimalaweera is an ST3 trainee in the North Central and East London Deanery 


She obtained a training post following her first attempt at applying for Obstetrics and Gynaecology and commenced training in 2019. She joined the course committee in 2019, using her more recent experience of the interviews to update the course, making it more relevant to current trainees.

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